Thursday, November 27, 2008

Stop the Infidelity - How to Tell if your Husband is Cheating

A good article ~ Stop the Infidelity - How to Tell if your Husband is Cheating by Austin Odeon

Some women may be wondering if they have a faithful husband, but do not really know how to find out if he is cheating or not. Usually, the loving, attentive husband that is true to his wife will leave you with no doubts. However, if you have this little nagging fear in the back of your mind that your man is out with another woman, there are things you can look for that will help you confirm or dispel your thoughts. Below, you will find the things to look for to answer the burning question: "How to tell if my husband cheating?".

Decreasing or Non-Existent Sex Life

If your husband's usually high sex drive seems to have taken a nose dive, it's possible someone else has taken your place in bed. The same is true if he begins to be less affectionate than he once was. This may mean he's just going through a phase, or someone else is getting his attention.

Picks Fights or Always Seems Defensive

Frequent arguments are a classic sign of a cheating husband, especially if he seems to be the one always starting them. The arguments are typically over little things that wouldn't have bothered him in the past. This is seen as a defense mechanism to make his unfaithfulness not seem so bad. He is likely to feel less guilty about his actions if he believes you to blame for his affair.

Unusual Computer Activity

If your husband is cheating, he may begin to stay on the computer much longer than usual. When you enter the room, he may immediately close a chat box or email account so you cannot see what's going on. Cheating husbands will also delete the history and clear the computer's cache as soon as they finish using it to avoid leaving a trail of their unfaithful behavior.

Unexplained Purchases on the Credit Card

This may be a hard one to find out if you don't control the finances in the house, but if you do, check to see if there have been hotel rooms, flowers, or any other large purchases made on any of his credit cards. Affairs usually require hotel rooms and restaurants, so if you see any such charges, it is very likely he's up to no good. This is often a vital way on how to tell if your husband is cheating.

The above are just four of the common warning signs you can look for if you believe your husband is cheating on you. Of course, there are a lot more unusual behaviors and actions unfaithful men perform, so just keep your eye out for suspicious activity. Learning how to tell if your husband is cheating is a must to uncovering the truth.
Need more info: How To Catch Your Cheating Husband?

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I have written series of articles on how individuals who want to make a living on the internet can build a steady stream of income. Based on my experience as a successful online marketer with wealthy affiliate. I also have many articles on male & female relations. You can be quite successful online with the right coaching. Best Place To Earn Steady Income Online.

how to catch a cheating husband

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cheating Husband Stories: How Internet Turns Husbands To Liars

Cheating Husband Stories: How Internet Turns Husbands To Liars by Mark de Smit

The Slipping Lives Of Peter And Stella

Peter and Stella (not their real names) have been married for ten years. Peter is a crane operator while Stella spends her time looking after their two lovely daughters. Their family life has been good until a few months ago when Stella suspected Peter of having extra-marital affair.

It all started when Peter suddenly became too interested with computers. At first Stella thought that like all his friends, Peter was just fascinated with online action role playing games. In fact two months ago, he took a chunk of money from their savings to buy his very own computer and have it connected to the Internet.

Initially, Stella thought that the computer was to be used by everyone in the family. But to her surprise, Peter put in secret access passwords. Therefore Stella and the children had no way of using the computer. Stella also noted that Peter became so engrossed about his privacy and spent more time in front of his computer--especially during late nights-- than with his family.

One Saturday morning, as Peter was asleep on the sofa, Stella gathered her courage and took a peep at the computer, which Peter forgot to turn off the night before. In it she saw a chat link full of words of endearment between two user names. Stella would not have been suspicious had she not seen the same secret affectionate name Peter had called her during their courtship days.

The Bitter End For Danny And Lucy

Danny and Lucy bought a computer three years ago. They had it connected to the Internet because they need it for their small time online store. While the business they had was flourishing, they were able to afford another computer, this time a laptop for Danny's use.

One day, a mysterious e-mail addressed to Danny bounced to the common e-mail address they used for marketing their online shop. It contained a picture of a young woman wearing nothing but her lingerie. At first, Lucy dismissed it as some wicked marketing stunt by the numerous pornographic sites in the Internet.

But in the few days that followed, Lucy's suspicion was aroused by their missing telephone bill. She was puzzled to find it in the garbage bin already paid. Lucy took a quick scan of the crumpled telephone bill and found out four international calls to a number she does not recognize.

She copied the telephone numbers on her notepad and dialed using the telephone in the kitchen. After a brief moment, a voice on the other end of the line, clearly European accent, said "Hello, lover boy!" Lucy quickly hanged up and suddenly all darkness surrounded her sight. Lucy fainted and hit her head on the sharp corner of the hard wooden breakfast counter.

Lucy was in a coma for two days; after which, she died. Danny knew that the true cause of her death was not her banging on the counter top but rather his cheating on Lucy.

With the advent of Internet communication tools, men's cheating capabilities have increased. The Internet has become a device that both tempts and fulfills the lustful fantasies of men that could lead to full time extra marital affairs.

Knowledge before hand is the only way women can protect themselves and their families from cheating husbands. Reliable spy software, like PC Pandora, can enable wives to monitor their husbands--when they are online or even offline.

How to Catch a Cheating Wife? Confirm Your Suspicions

About the Author

Peter and Stella (not their real names) have been married for ten years. Peter is a crane operator while Stella spends her time looking after their two lovely daughters. Their family life has been good until a few months ago when Stella suspected Peter of having extra-marital affair.

how to catch a cheating husband

Thursday, August 14, 2008

How To Catch A Cheating Husband

A great article on how to catch a cheating husband by Walter J Higgens.

Signs Of Cheating Men-Is Your Man Cheating?

Are You Worried That Your Man, Husband or Boyfriend Are Cheating On You? Are you tired of the aching feeling and sleepless nights. If You Do Not Take Action Today, Tomorrow Will Be Another Day Of Worries!This is for you who REALLY want to know the truth. Even if the truth might hurt. You need to collect facts before you confront your boyfriend or husband, the more you know,learn the signs of cheating men will help you when you confront him. During your "investigation" you might even find out that he is not cheating on you... you do not want to destroy a good relationship.

If you've been searching for the best way to catch a cheating man,Or signs of cheating men then let me first say that I can help. If lately that tiny voice inside has been telling you that something just isn't right in your relationship then it might be time to take action. When trying to catch a cheating man you must first start with the basics. Use your senses, look, listen, smell and feel.Be armed with the signs of cheating men.If you are past the point of healthy communication than you might want to exercise caution rather than confronting him immediately. After all, you're suspicions might be incorrect; if they're not he may just try that much harder to cover up his infidelity. Using good sense may save you from making unnecessary accusations as well as help you to uncover the truth about your man.


* You get that gut feeling that tells you he's cheating on you. Things just aren't adding up.You all of sudden feel the need to go through his belongings almost expecting to find something.

* When you question your man he gets very defensive. He might even get mad at you to throw you off. He is hoping that you will put your thoughts of infidelity to rest if you are afraid to ask about it.

* His stories aren't making sense anymore. This is because he will make up a story at that time and for the moment not realizing that the date or times don't add up. He will sometimes forget what he told 3 days ago. So make a mental note and ask again casually in 3 days. Work will seem to pop up a lot to cover time lapses. This is classic. I was the hardest working man when I was cheating!

* You are feeling that dis-connected feeling within your relationship. Remember that see-saw back in the school yard. When one side went up, you know where the other side was. This is usually the same when your mate is having an affair. Many times there is a deeper problem in the relationship that would need to be fixed anyhow if you are to truly be happy. Although you are not to blame for someone stepping out on a relationship, infidelity is usually a symptom of a deeper problem.

* You discover e-mail accounts that you didn't know existed. He will refuse to give you access to his email account. He's not stupid! Is he?

*He doesn't invite you around his friends, company events, and other social activities. Is he cheating at work? It can be worse than a nightclub. There will probably be less of a chance that he is cheating at a night club.

* Unusual mood swings. These are one of many signs of cheating men that is caused by the internal conflict and struggle that you man is going through during his time of infidelity.

* Lack of intimacy. This doesn't always have to be in the form of sex. It can be a decline of touching, cuddling, holding hands or kissing.

* The sex frequency has changed!


*Improvements in wardrobe or personal appearance.

*Turning it on you.

*Suspicious Computer Activity.

*Sudden Changes in Schedule.

*Emotional Distance.

*Less Time Together.

*Does he buy new phone equipment or use new technologies that he hasn't before?


*Grooming habits change. He is more attentive to his personal appearance and buys new cologne, clothes and underwear.

*Communication problems. When you want to speak with him he usually says that he's tired or that he's had a long day at the office. He has difficulty looking you straight in the eyes when he tries to answer your questions.

*Low sex drive. If your husband doesn't want to make love with you, then something is wrong.

*Spending more time on the phone, out of earshot, or on the internet when you are asleep. This can be a sign of a cheating husband.

*Frequent business trips that take him away for days.

*Late-night phone calls.

*He becomes irritated when you bring up things you want to do with him.

*The house he once took pride in is going to hell.

*Changes in his work, leisure and financial habits.

While there are numerous terms given to cheating men from "improper relationship" to having an "undercover lover", it all boils down to one same thing; cheating. According to the recent study by relationship experts, men nowadays are cheating their spouse more than ever.studies have shown that almost 75 percent of married man either cheat or are involved in indecent relationship. Another study has also revealed that most men who are cheating their spouses are doing it within the first 3 years of a relationship.Therefore, it is crucial for you ladies out there to arm yourself with the right tips and knowledge and signs of cheating men, on how to catch your cheating men.

About the Author

To get vital information on Signs of Cheating Men and to Catch Your Cheating Man Go To : .Once You Know For Sure That Your Man Isn't Cheating And want to learn the Art Of Making up Go To: Good Luck and Remember You Can Do Something About It!

how to catch a cheating husband

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Is Your man Cheating?

A classic how to catch a cheating husband article, titled, Is My Man Cheating: Learn the Steps You Should Take If Your Man Is Seeing Your Friend! by cheating spouse expert, Cucan Pemo

Finding out that your husband or boyfriend is cheating on you is about as painful as it can get ' but it's nothing compared to finding out that he's been sneaking out to be with one of your girlfriends.

Before you grab the chainsaw and go postal on the pair of them, take a deep breath and find a better, more rational way to deal with the situation

1) Make sure you have all the facts first

It's possible that you're wrong, and the two of them haven't been stealing away for chardonnay-drenched trysts at the No-Tell Motel.

What makes you think that they are? If you hate baseball and she enjoys it, maybe the fact that they both end up at the same home games is just love of the sport.

But if you discover a charge on his credit card for $200 at the local jewelry store and you birthday isn't for another six months, you're probably right to be suspicious.

What sort of a person is your friend? Is she the type to jump into bed with anyone who asks, or is she more the quiet, reserved type?

It may be painful to admit, but if she's has a history of slutty behavior, she may not see your man as off limits, no matter how close the two of you are.

What about him? Is he every bit as attentive to you as he's always been, or has that slacked off in recent months? When the two of them are together, are they flirty? Or even worse, have they started avoiding each other's eyes when you're in the room?

The sensible thing to do is to ask them, separately, if there's something going on that you should know about it.

Chances are, your guy will deny it. But if she's a very good friend, she'll most likely break down in tears and admit the whole thing. If they both deny it and you're still suspicious, you may have to do a little detective work ' as sleazy as it feels to follow him after work in the evening to see where he goes, it may be what you need to do to get the information you need.

Just be sure you're ready for the truth, because it may turn out to be something else entirely.

2) Take a deep breath and count to 3,000

If your worst suspicions are confirmed, take a step back and breathe. Try to banish all thoughts of tying the two of them to a boat anchor and dropping them off the nearest pier, and center yourself.

Go ahead and cry for awhile. Then wipe away your tears and decide what, exactly, you're going to do.

If you're brave enough, arrange for a private discussion with both of them and tell them that you know what's going on.

Ask them to explain to you what's going on. You may find out that the two of them have shared nothing more than a couple of lunches and a few stolen kisses. Or you could find out that they're having a hot-and-heavy affair. Either way, you deserve to know the truth.

But don't give in to hysteria. Tearing at your hair and shrieking, "Why, why oh why?!" won't solve anything, and you'll lose the upper hand. This is a time for quiet, seething anger.

Fix them with a cool, steely gaze and tell them how ashamed they should be for betraying you. If you feel the waterworks about to start, walk away ' a dramatic exit is always preferable to a hysterical scene.

3) So, who do you want to keep?

Sadly, this now means that one of them is going to have be gone from your life, your man or your friend.

In many ways, her betrayal is far more destructive than his ' men are known to stray, but friends are supposed to keep their hands off their buddies' husbands and boyfriends.

In most cases, women choose to try and patch things up with their partner and give the boot to the friend ' after all, you can make him go with you to couples' counseling, but they don't make "broken friendship" therapy.

If you're going to make it work with him, she has to go ' and he has to agree that he won't see her anymore, either.

But if you want to keep her as a friend, this could be a lot harder. Will you be able to trust her with your next boyfriend? Will you ever be able to enjoy her company again without thinking of what she did? Rationalizing a cheating spouse's behavior ' after all, you can tell yourself, he's just a weak man ' is easier than justifying the betrayal of a trusted friend.

In the end, you may find that you need to be quit of both of them and start over. If they get together as a couple and you run the risk of seeing them socially, you may even want to think about moving to a new city.

It's not fair, but sometimes life throws you a major, destructive curveball. But when you do start over, whether it's in a new place or in your same home town, just make sure your next new friend is someone you can trust ' and that you give your heart to a man who understands the meaning of loyalty.

About the Author

If you like to learn how to get an Ex back, save a relationship or marriage, get my PROVEN Strategies and FREE Video Tutorials to get an Ex back (Value $67!) TODAY at ! Learn how to attract men, and make your man love you like no other! You CAN open HIS eyes to see the loving, caring, best you at


how to catch a cheating husband

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

How To Catch A Cheating Husband

Catch A Man Cheating - What Do Wedded Men Feel Like After Cheating? Article by how to catch a cheating husband expert, Jane A. Smith

Crushing man pride

Brit Ekland one time stated that she had never slept with married men, but in the sense that she never did it never with happily married men.

At first glance, it is compliant that men feel quite good after cheating.

In time, on account of marriage compliance and monotony, it has been shown that men feel trapped, consider that their wives can't understand them, and therefore suffer from this situation. After cheating, men have a strange sense of relief combined with welfare, and its essence cannot be denied.

Furthermore, men are drawn by passion and after wedded men have taken a false step, it's interesting that although many admit that infidelity is bad, many of them still practice it. They apologies a lot, but sustain that they can hardly master the psychological hunger for sex and among those who do it again it is a way to maintain their ego.

Men feel strong and their masculinity becomes visible when they are near a women and have the chance to take care of such sensitive,tender and obedient persons as them. When cheating, men often feel neglected and are misled by the delusion that their wives do not fully comprehend them and do not offer the respect they need.

Unhappily, after cheating, the husband finds himself without any drop of respect or dignity and moreover, he realizes that the respect he had was bounded to his wife, not to a secret woman with no sense of commitment. It is important to keep in mind that when we assume responsibility, we have to be careful because our freedom is in stake.

Remorse feelings

An important aspect is that after marriage, men become much more accustomed with women around them, and represent an attraction towards the opposite sex. In these circumstances, the unfaithful husband holds that he never intended to leave his wife, but wanted to get involved in an handy affair to satisfy his needs. Most women dealing with married men relationships disclosed the main reason for which they ended it was their marriage; it reminded men about their mistakes and because they were not willing to leave their wives, the relationships had no future.

Of course, there are men who strongly believe that they can offer unconditionally love to their wives and still have sex with other women, without no hard feelings; in their opinion the relationship is just a physical one, without any emotional behavior being involved . On account of men powerlessness to offer integrity, married man who cheat feel that they never abandoned their loved ones, just involved in an unimportant physical affair.

Finally, remorse feelings prove married men that the balance they are looking for lies in their marriage, and this belief is the one requires on order to avoid future mistakes. The unfaithful husband knows that his deed will shade their marriage, always reminding them about his infidelity. And this situation may be improved but it needs a lot of love, commitment and most importantly, trust and fidelity. Obviously, this is a clear proof of the price paid when committing this kind of nonsense. Therefore, it is better to think twice before cheating, and in a marriage it's crucial the existence of agreement and communication between partners.

Get to know your cheating men facts before you take the next action and learn the insider tips from the experts on how to stop your man from cheating when you visit, the number one resources on catch a man cheating

About the Author

Get to know your cheating men facts before you take the next action and learn the insider tips from the experts on how to stop your man from cheating when you visit , the number one resources on catch a man cheating

How To Catch A Cheating Husband