Just like athletes, doctors, and lawyers cheaters have many personality characteristics in common with each other. While you can't categorize every person who may have some of these qualities as cheater most people who cheat do have a lot of things in common. By knowing what these characteristics are you can detect cheating sooner than time would normally allow instead of waiting for cold, hard evidence you can use their actions, character, and tactics to decide if this person is a cheater.
There's nothing more painful than investing time, effort, and love into a relationship only to have that union destroyed, because the significant other decided to throw it all away by cheating. A lot of people are stuck in relationships where they're miserable because they don't know if the person is actually cheating on them. So they resign to waiting to catch the hand in cookie jar before they make a decision. But what a lot of cheaters do is keep you off-center, change their cheating tactics, and use your suspicions against you.
Here are some common personality characteristics of cheaters
1. Friends: Birds of a feather flock together. This is true for almost every single friendship that has every existed. If your mate has lots of friends who are all cheaters chances are they're not above it themselves. A person with a lot of cheaters for friends remain friends with those people because this is what they have in common. So I'd be a little skeptical about getting serious with someone who has these kinds of friends.
2. Opposite Sex: A cheater tends to keep a lot of friends of the opposite sex. A man for instance, will tend to have more girlfriends than guy friends. Most cheaters say that they just get along with the opposite sex a lot better than their own gender. This can be true to a certain extent. However, even if this person does get along better with the opposite sex they still have friends that are from their own gender as well. All their friends won't be the opposite sex.
Cheaters love to keep a supply of potential candidates available to them when they need them. So what a lot of cheaters do is convince you that they prefer the company of the opposite sex. So how do you know the difference? The difference between a cheater and someone who genuinely feels this way is this; the genuine person hasn't had any type of romantic or sexual involvement with these friends. They will also allow and encourage that their new mate becomes friends with their friends as well. So if the cheater has the potential hookups that they're trying to protect you being friends with that person is absolutely out of the question.
3. Lies: This is the one thing that cheaters do is a lot. When you first get involved you tend to think that maybe they're just not being completely forthcoming with the information that you need to make the best choice when it comes to being with them. Cheaters are very secretive when it comes down to their own personal details even from day one. They won't take you anyplace where family and friends might be, they won't allow you full access into their life, and they will say anything to you so that you can convince yourself that they're the one for you.
They're very particular about the words that they speak. The reason for this is so that they can defend themselves by letting you know that they didn't exactly tell you those things. They place a lot of focus on you and not themselves. As a matter of fact, they try to keep all the attention on you this way you'll be distracted from paying attention to any discrepancies that they might have told you.
When you start to find that there are issues with what they're telling you I would be skeptical about believing anything they tell you until their actions match their words.
There are plenty more characteristics of a cheater. The one instinct that is always the most accurate when it comes to cheaters is your instincts. It's amazing how people doubt, and fail to pay attention to what their instincts are telling them. If you all of sudden start to think that you love may be cheating on you then those instincts would be worth the exploration. You could be saving yourself a lot of heartache and trouble by finding out what they're up to as soon as possible.
These 10 powerful signs will help you to detect cheating sooner than ever before. There are behaviors that all cheaters do that they're unaware of. Once you've learned to recognize these symbols you can detect cheater 100% quicker. This book is jam packed with all the tips, tricks, and techniques that cheaters use to get away with having an affair. It even comes with 5 free chapters that explain how to catch a cheater in great detail. You don't have to put up with a cheater ever again. Get the book that explains it all. Stop the Cheating
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Zandra_R_Moore/1465291
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7698217
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